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right of the person中文是什么意思

用"right of the person"造句"right of the person"怎么读"right of the person" in a sentence


  • 人身权利


  • On the marriage right of the persons serving sentences
  • On how protecting the property right of the person investigated in criminal suit
  • Article 32 in practice activities , a lawyer ' s right of the person shall not be violated
  • Article 5 the state shall protect the rights of the person and property as well as other lawful rights and interests of minors from violation
  • The majority of these cases were related to basic civil rights and some of them involved rights of the person and property rights
  • Specialized skill : rights of the person such as the medical dispute , etc . damage the case ; economic cases such as the real estate , etc . ; the pleading criminally of economic crime
  • Article 52 where an encroachment upon the right of the person or other lawful rights of a minor constitutes a crime , criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law
  • Article 21 if a person is compelled to commit an act in an emergency to avert an immediate danger to the interests of the state or the public , or his own or another person ' s rights of the person , property or other rights , thus causing damage , he shall not bear criminal responsibility
  • For threaten the security of rights of the person and simple and frequenting , have no engineering location of flavor to draw support from foreign advanced experience dully , adopt the robot , the operation of the simulation people of the manipulator , for instance : painting of the woodwork , loading and unloading of the work piece , carry etc .
  • When the person in good faith earned the commercial instrument in law , he or she has the right on commercial instrument . only protect the right of the person in law , people can receive commercial instrument according to commercial instrument law , and people can transfer commercial instrument , and so better the circulation of commercial instrument
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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